Wednesday, September 12, 2007

More Good News for Metro Real Estate! (cough)

Not surprising but here's the latest Strib Headline:

Twin Cities home sales plummet in August

Is it just me or does the Strib seem rather breathlessly exuberant in their reporting of the market downturn?

Could it be some residual bitterness they are feeling having lost millions in Ad revenue due to the fact that many local companies no long shell out big bucks to advertise in the paper.

I subscribe to the Strib and I am not trying to bash them - but research clearly showed that placing ads their was not very effective.

Of course, the same could be said about a lot of marketing avenues these days...

One thing remains true:

"With buyers concerned by the news they hear on housing, it's understandable that some are waiting on the sidelines," said Deb Green, association president. "While they wait they're missing buying opportunities."

Don't miss the boat because this situation won't last forever. In fact it will be interesting to see the impact of the expected rate cut next Tuesday...

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