Tuesday, May 23, 2006

True Value is What You Place On It

I am a firm believer that there is no better personal investment than Real Estate.

Think about it for second. What other item have you purchased that can give you so much: security, happiness, shelter, joy, family memories....and still continue to go go in value?

Certainly not the car you purchased! We all know how they go down in value the second you drive it off the lot!

Stock Market? Eek! Sure big gains are possible...and unfortunately so are even bigger losses.

No, for me I will always pick Real Estate. For despite the ebb and flows that are a part of any market, the housing market has endured and will continue to endure over time. In fact, I would argue that real estate is the ONLY investment you can make that WILL - given adequate time - always go up in value. Not sometimes. Not most of the time...ALL of the time!

After all...we all NEED a place to live!

Here's an interesting article about the current national real estate market trends:

A Soft Landing

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