Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Buyer's Market

As usual, the local and national media is generally about 6 months late when it comes to their reporting of trends in Real Estate. This morning's cover story in the StarTribune is no exception.
Suffice to say that those of us out in the field have been telling our clients that the market is changing dating all the way back to LAST Spring.

Basically what you need to know as a Seller is: patience and the right price are key. (For more Seller Tips click here.)What is the right price? Well that's where your agent comes in. I provide all of my clients with a comprehensive Comparative Market Analysis which looks at recent listings, sales, and expired properties that are in a similar location, style and condition to your home. Recently I have begun offering CMA Tours to my Sellers who would like to get out and actually take a look at properties that are currently on the market which they will be competing with. Nothing beats seeing these properties in person.

For Buyers, this market is simply a great opportunity to get an excellent property at a very good price. Knowing which Sellers might be willing to accept an offer that is below market value and how you can get extras like selling costs and home improvements paid by the Seller at closing...well, that's where I come in! Like I say over and over again- EVERYTHING is negotiable! As your Agent I am happy to help you get the best possible deals.

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