Hello and Welcome!I have decided to create this Blog so that I can post the latest developments that impact the real estate scene in the Twin Cities area.
My hope is that this can become a place where I am able to respond to your questions, listen to your feedback, and provide you with the most up to date info and trends in real estate.
I pride myself in being
"A Realtor you can Relate to."To me this is more than a (somewhat!) clever marketing slogan - it is my operating principal. To me Real Estate is all about Seizing Opportunity and my job is to provide my clients with the best possible service. I strive to be an Agent that will LISTEN to your wants, needs, concerns, and desires.
And most of all I want to do whatever I can to fight the cliched notion we all might have had of the slick, amoral, seedy real estate agent who preys on unsuspecting consumers -fleecing them of their cash and selling them swamp land in Florida.
I mean- before I got into Real Estate that was the image I had of Agents! So I totally understand where these feelings come from. There is a lot of DISINFORMATION out there about real estate agents and one goal of this site is to break down the stereotypes.
Don't get me wrong -I am by no means suggesting that all agents are saints. Just like every profession there are a few bad apples...but I can honestly say they that it has been my experience that they are the exception, not the rule. But I really would love to hear what you think!
Also on this site, I will post useful links to stories and websites that I believe will help everyone who visits become a more informed buyer, seller, investor, property owner, renter- whatever category you might fit in.
We all need a place to call home. I am here to help.
Thanks for stopping by!