Sunday, March 25, 2007

Baby & the Bathwater

I have to say I am not a huge fan of new construction. I find a lot of it to and artificial. I am a big fan of 1920's architecture - Arts & Crafts in particular.

However, since the birth of our first child my wife and I have been looking at our Craftsman in a new way. While we adore our hardwood floors and built-ins the term "kid friendly" does not really apply. Soon - before we know it- our darling Lily will be on her feet and on the move and the small bedroom nursery we carpeted for her last summer will no longer be enough to contain her (or ease our fears!).

So I found myself reading this article -From the Ground Up - from the Saturday Strib with renewed interest. I could really identify with the couple in the article (they are also not big fans of new construction) but they found an Architect (Michael Huber) and a builder (Corey Benedict) who seemed to share their aesthetic and desire to create a "green" home.

Homeowner Jason Hammond started a BLOG about his experiences which I expect I will become an avid reader of.

It's true what they say, a new baby really does change everything. Stay tuned...

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