Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why Drive when you can Walk or Bike?

This article in today's Strib caught my eye. It's about the push from community leaders to get us out of our cars and onto our feet - or on our bikes. Perhaps it's Spring Fever but as someone who spends a lot of time driving people around in my car - I have to say this sounds like a great idea.

I have to admit that sometimes as I am driving along the River Road I get annoyed that a "pack of cyclists" -looking like they just missed the cut at the Tour de France- are drifting into traffic when there are paved paths just feet away.

Then I take a deep breath and remember that when I am pedaling around on my Schwinn Cruiser (white sidewalls baby!) I am frequently frustrated by the tight confines these paths provide, especially when you are sharing the lane with walkers, joggers, dogs, strollers and the like.

Truth be told there is really plenty of space for all of us. And if we just take a moment and slow down we will likely found we really can enjoy the ride.

Here's a link to information on the Midtown Greenway Coalition. I think it's vitally important for all of us to realize that it is because of the efforts of groups like these that the Twin Cities is one of the most pleasant places to live the long as we all learn to give a wide berth and a smile!

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